Who we are
Our mission is to bring together researchers, families and resources to find a cure for SRD5A3-CDG.
This initiative began as a personal journey for Vijay Sappani when his daughter Ela was diagnosed with SRD5A3-CDG, a rare Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (CDG). With a background in pharmacy, Vijay knew that Cure SRD5A3 was not going to be a one-man endeavour and he began connecting with other SRD5A3-CDG families.
As the initiative gained momentum, Cure SRD5A3 was born as a community that not only helps families and caregivers learn more about this rare condition, but also as a resource hub for scientific and medical professionals.
Together, we remain committed to driving education and research on this rare disease, until every child with SRD5A3-CDG has access to treatment and no child is left behind. Check out an overview of our Research Program below.